Small organizations, big successes: what #LenguasVivas teaches us about community philanthropy in south east Mexico 

By Anita Gallagher / Training Lead at HIPGive This spring, as well as completing our flagship campaign #GOMujeres, we also…Continue readingSmall organizations, big successes: what #LenguasVivas teaches us about community philanthropy in south east Mexico 

Charting Success: How Mujeres Aliadas reach their goals time after time

Pulling off your first crowdfunding campaign is a feat, but reaching your crowdfunding goals every year, twice a year? That puts you in a different league. That’s just what Mujeres Aliadas have achieved.Continue readingCharting Success: How Mujeres Aliadas reach their goals time after time

“Building a narrative that connects us” Find out how Fundación Comparte por Una Vida Colombia reaches its goal in each crowdfunding campaign

Leïla Peltier, Project Assistant at Comparte Por Una Vida Colombia, shares the team’s tips on how to reach your goal again and again.Continue reading“Building a narrative that connects us” Find out how Fundación Comparte por Una Vida Colombia reaches its goal in each crowdfunding campaign

How ASAC used WhatsApp to Crowdfund for Children with Cancer

The tactics used on WhatsApp that allowed ASAC to exceed their crowdfunding target can easily be adapted to other social messaging platforms to help you reach your target audience. Read more about what worked best.Continue readingHow ASAC used WhatsApp to Crowdfund for Children with Cancer

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