Webinars The Next Level

This webinar series is for organizations with more experience raising funds digitally.

Each month in the “The Next Level” webinars we will give you different tips and strategies to take your fundraising efforts one step further.

*NOTE: Recordings are only available in Spanish.


Design your campaign with intelligence

More science and less heart for a more successful campaign? We shared what data you should collect and analyze to achieve better results in your next campaign.


    Let’s tell a new story

    Learn how to discover the valuable stories within your organization and how to share them.


      The Most Powerful Emotion… is Curiosity

      We explore the role of emotions in fundraising campaigns.


        Every word counts

        In this digital age, we talk a lot about the power of videos and images to inspire actions. Yet, words still count. And the smaller the space we have, the more valuable each word is.

        In this session we go back to basics by exploring how to create a powerful narrative for your crowdfunding campaign. From memorable headlines, to phrases that help people see themselves the way they want to be seen, to slogans that inspire action, you’ll leave with the tools you need to better connect with people through your well-chosen words.


          Viral Videos in 2023?

          We know that virality in 2023 is not the same as in 2013, but we should still aim to create videos that people want to share.

          Learn some tips and techniques to make your videos inspire greater participation in your campaign.


            Community is built every day

            Learn how to create and maintain relationships with your HIPGivers, or donors. We provide you with ideas to grow your database and support community.


              The Best Crowdfunding Campaigns of 2022

              We explain why they work and what we can learn from them. Experience is the best teacher!


                Personal Campaigns: Peer to Peer Promotion Strategies

                We explore different peer to peer promotion strategies that will help you exponentially expand the reach of your campaign.

                In particular, and with the support of real cases, we focus on the recruitment and engagement of individual crowdfunders in ‘peer-to-peer’ campaigns.


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