How to put together a winning project

While many individuals will be converts to your campaign simply because of their ongoing commitment to your cause, a well-written project will reinforce their willingness to donate.Continue readingHow to put together a winning project

If not donors, then what?

“Donor” connotes giving as transactional and hierarchical, concepts that are in complete contrast to the type of relationship that we should have with the people that support our work. Continue readingIf not donors, then what?

More Than Just the Money: the Transformative Power of Crowdfunding

What’s more important in crowdfunding: the crowd or the funding? A strange question perhaps, but one that is not asked often enough.Continue readingMore Than Just the Money: the Transformative Power of Crowdfunding

The Three Laws of Crowdfunding

In the same ways that the laws of nature govern the natural phenomena of the world, the laws of crowdfunding are the inherent qualities that govern successful crowdfunding campaigns. Continue readingThe Three Laws of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding Checklist

Our “Crowdfunding Checklist” series will accompany you throughout your crowdfunding campaign.Continue readingCrowdfunding Checklist

Download your free “step by step” guide to crowdfunding

At HIPGive we’ve turned the art of crowdfunding into a science. Our easy to follow plan is based on our experience guiding organizations to crowdfunding success. Continue readingDownload your free “step by step” guide to crowdfunding

Is Crowdfunding Right for You?

Crowdfunding is many things, but it’s not a magic wand. Here are six points to consider when deciding if crowdfunding on HIPGive is a good match for your organization.Continue readingIs Crowdfunding Right for You?

How ASAC used WhatsApp to Crowdfund for Children with Cancer

The tactics used on WhatsApp that allowed ASAC to exceed their crowdfunding target can easily be adapted to other social messaging platforms to help you reach your target audience. Read more about what worked best.Continue readingHow ASAC used WhatsApp to Crowdfund for Children with Cancer

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